Showing posts with label ailments. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ailments. Show all posts

18 September 2012

Things That Will Cause You to DIE Early

Poor Childhood Nutrition
Lazy, poor childhood nutrition and sleeping for less than six hours may cause early death, study finds.

Causes like lack of sleep will cause ailments such as heart attack, high blood pressure, obesity and diabetes. However, oversleep also not good for health. Optimum sleep-hours required maybe from 6-8 hours in constant.

More Causes of Early Death Here!

Pisang Empat Puluh Hari/Pisang Boyan

Pokok pisang yang pertama saya tanam ialah Pisang Empat Puluh Hari atau ada yang menyebutnya Pisang Boyan. Popular ditanam di sebelah Johor....